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Publications, Featured Articles, and Research

Below are the major projects that I have authored, co-authored, or edited. My writing experience is primarily academic, however I have certifications in professional, technical, and grant writing. 

A look into historical and literary imitative humor

When you see a funny meme from the internet, do you wonder “Who created it and why is it funny?”.  The study of memes is emerging as a new field in humor and socio-cultural history. We can suppose that people most likely always have enjoyed humor, and often the aspects they have found to be funny transform over time and depend on cultural referents. And, yet there are elements of humor that have persisted over time. In this discussion I focus on the commonalities between memetics and historical imitative humor in order to establish the continuity of types of humor that appear as a recurring characteristic of constantly evolving societies and cultures. 


Click on the title to view the manuscript

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Jessica L. Yorzinski (PI) , Amy Harbourne (lab assistant and co-author), William Thompson (computing) 

In this study, we investigated the human ability to detect gaze given varying eye morphology. The general assumption is that conspicuous morphology (white sclera with colored pupils) facilitate gaze perception while eyes with camouflaged morphology (darkened sclera) may hide gaze perception. This study goes further to test whether eye morphology impacts gaze perception during nighttime compared to daytime. We found that participants were fastest and most accurate in finding the faces with conspicuous sclera during the daytime and nighttime. Participants were slower and less accurate at finding the faces with inconspicuous sclera during the nighttime. Our results demonstrate that eyes with conspicuous morphology facilitate gaze perception during the day and night.

Columnist and Editor at A La MoDA Zine

From 2017 to 2020, I was an editor and Columnist at A La MoDA Zine. I specialized in writing about politics and activism while editing for other columnists on the team. A La MoDa is a a safe space for creatives to express themselves through art.


Copyeditor for PointLine Projects

"Point Line Projects collaborates with architects, creatives, writers, publishers, and institutions to create dynamic editorial and curatorial content."​

With PointLine, I worked on a 800,000 word manuscript for an architectural history of New York city. The goal of the copyediting team was to reduce the size of the manuscript by 25%, correct any grammatical  errors, improve sentence flow and construction, and make sure the writing was both concise and coherent. 

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Let’s Talk: The Culture of Medical Communication

The College of Liberal Arts Office of Institutional Advancement included me in a Graduate Student Experience Profile in the form of a Q&A. You can read more about my Graduate Experience at the UMN at this link

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